We know that these are extremely challenging times for businesses of all sizes as the country tackles unprecedented health, financial and economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our thoughts are with everyone working to slow the spread of the pandemic, ensuring the health and wellbeing of their people and families, delivering essential services, and seeking to maintain business continuity.
This emergency can only be addressed successfully through a national response led by Government and its agencies, including the NHS. The scale and complexity of the response mean that it is evolving daily, including the advice on staying healthy and the support available to businesses.
At Opportunity North East (ONE), our immediate priority has been to follow official advice, take the steps necessary to ensure the health and wellbeing of our people, and ensure that we continue to work with the key sectors and businesses to progress projects in development and delivery. The duration and impact of this crisis are unknown just now. What we do know is that projects to catalyse long-term economic growth will be even more important when the recovery begins.
Businesses across the region are dealing with unprecedented challenges and we are connecting them with sources of support. Those looking for help and advice can access the most up to date information and resources via the dedicated COVID-19/Coronavirus sections of the following websites, including information and advice on the national measures to support businesses.
UK Government – https://www.gov.uk/
Scottish Government – https://www.gov.scot/
Scottish Enterprise – https://findbusinesssupport.gov.scot/
Business organisations are also supporting their members and the sectors they work in with information and advice, and collating issues raised by businesses and sharing these with Government. These include:
British Chambers of Commerce – https://www.britishchambers.org.uk/
Scotland Food & Drink – https://scotlandfoodanddrink.org/
Scottish Tourism Alliance – https://scottishtourismalliance.co.uk/
ONE’s Response
ONE is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and following the latest official advice and guidance. Our priorities are the health and safety of our people, partners and stakeholders and we continue to engage with businesses across the region. Please continue to work with your usual contacts within ONE.
Protecting our people
Ensuring business continuity
Being prepared
ONE Tech Hub
Your privacy matters to us so if you want to find out more on how we keep your data safe, view our Privacy Notice or talk to ONE direct.
Opportunity North East Ltd
11 Queens Gardens
AB15 4YD